Strength manifests universally across different cultures. All types of physical strength, emotional resilience, mental fortitude and the traits required of and thrives in the physical culture is something Strength Unknown, a docu-series is diving into as they travel while immortalizing on video the attributes of rare grand feats and obscure practices the world over.
From their gym in LA to shooting mud wrestling in Punjab, lifting the manhood stones in Scotland to something as unheard of and obscure as ancient Chinese stone lifting to just last May finally landing on Philippine soil.
Enter Strength Unknown: Martins Licis and Romark Weiss’ brainchild.

Martins Licis is the first person to win all three heaviest strongman shows on Earth in the same year, a feat unheard of before him. Namely Worlds Strongest Man, Rogue Strongman Invitationals and the Arnold Classic Strongman in Ohio. My number one hero.

I met Martins in 2018 and have been a big fan of him before then. Having worked on getting them over to the Philippines since then, the stars finally aligned and they went over and I had the privilege of tailing them around for 3 days. The coolest strongest people around, I’ve had the pleasure of tackling arnis drills with the National Team at the Ateneo Martial Arts Center, training with the strongest Otaku in the world for two days and driving them around Makati for grub in my own stomping grounds. I had the unique opportunity of bringing your favorite World’s Strongest Man to work day.

He had to get training sessions during his stay and there was no other place to recommend than Kinetix+. He attributes his mental clarity and sharp wit to getting training done whatever the circumstance he finds himself in and was very grateful for the gym plug. We did a hypertrophy pull day and it was his first time trying out the A.I. machines Kinetix+ had on offer and was pleasantly surprised and blown away by the nasty pump it gave his workout.

“I am so happy, this was one of my favourite gym experiences in my life MAN. This is one of the best gyms I’ve been to. Between the AI machines and the vibe, you guys have one of the best turfs i’ve ever seen, the incredible cafe, the beautiful view, the quality of equipment. I wish I could have a gym like this everyday. I’m frankly a little jealous. I have something to shoot for now. If ever you guys are in Manila. This is the best gym.”
Martins Licis, WSM2019

From the modern face of strongman himself as he sips on his drink and enjoys the amenities of recovery and nutrition afforded to the gym members. Join me on my next entry as I talk and post pictures of our Arnis training session and chicken inasal mukbang. Till next time!