Kinetix Lab is a premium strength and conditioning gym dedicated to empowering people through resistance training. Located at the heart of major cities for easy access, Kinetix Lab dreams of getting every Filipino interested in becoming stronger.
Late last year marks a momentous occasion with the gym finding a new home in One Ayala Malls, Makati showing us that Kinetix Lab does not joke around with its continued expansion and is fast becoming a name synonymous with evidence based, data driven strength training in the Philippines. The gym’s main driver is their uncompromising stand that strength and the multi-faceted, holistic approach of building it is the main attribute that trickles down to every aspect of life. Be it doing your daily chores with increased ease or getting rid of incessant back pain. When it boils down to it, Kinetix Lab maintains that it all leads back to getting stronger in the many expressions of strength be it mobility, stability and better movement mechanics.

The gym itself is a sight to behold being the biggest branch to date boasting a 25-meter turf and an 800-square meter facility home to eight different squat racks, four platforms for weightlifting and strength training complete with specialty barbells, bumpers and calibrated plates galore.

Having a great gym alone does not complete the whole experience and leading the charge is its expert coaches, predominantly either elites in their own sports or having a degree in or working up to their masters in Sports Science. A team I take pride in being part of. This for me is the game changer and the unique value that the Lab offers to people serious in taking their long-delayed fitness goals into action. Getting a sweat in is all good fun but having a specific goal in mind is what makes training towards something different from general exercise and this is what these specialists champion.

Many a journey to wellness have been thwarted by age-old pains and injuries and that’s where Recovery Room and its amazing team of licensed physiotherapists come in. I have years of first-hand experience in getting treatment from various providers and am happy to report that what could have been multiple career-ending injuries has led me to being undefeated across two strength sports with the help of their physiotherapists. From not being able to walk without pain to squatting 705 lbs in a National competition, Recovery Room is simply the only choice for a no fuss, no gimmicks manual therapy approach to pain and rehabilitation.

Be sure to take the time off your busy work calendars and choose day one instead of one day and book a strength meter assessment through the website or social media channels one click away!
Until next time strong strong people,
Carlos Lanzona
Philippines Strongest Man